Create the First Custom Field
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When you click the "Create Custom Field" button, the app will redirect you to the create custom field page. This page includes two sections:
Custom field form
Preview of custom field in an example theme
Your every change will be reflected instantly in the preview section. You can be able to see what will be shown to your customers before publishing it. As of now, you can create:
Radio button
File upload
Here is the definition of form fields:
Field name: It's the name of your field. It won't be visible to your customers.
Field cart name: This name will be shown to your customer on their cart and checkout pages.
Field type: You can choose one of the field types from the list above
Is multi-row: It's for long textboxes like order notes, descriptions, etc.
Is required field: If you select this option, the app does not allow customers to buy products without filling custom field
Font size: The font size of field
Text, background, label, border colors: You can customize your custom fields
Width and height: Set your customer width(%) and height(px)
You will see the final result of your custom field in the preview section.
Then you can choose any products or collections and save your custom field.
The edit page will work as the same. You can apply every customization to the custom fields. That way you can save your statistics.